
1:39 PM | 1 Comments

I decided to enter Loryn in the Washington County Fair Baby Contest since everywhere we go everyone tells us how cute she is. Not to brag but its true. So I took her to the fair grounds to be "judged" with her fun t-shirt they gave me for her to wear. Without her getting in a good nap I was a little nervous that she would be cranky, BUT she interacted great with the judges:) Sure enough I got a call later that day telling me she had made to it the final round. The next day she would compete with 5 other girls between the ages 10-18 months of age. She was probably the youngest in her group.

The next day before she got tired of waiting for her turn to go on stage I snapped a darling picture of her and Jordan. Too bad the smile in this photo didn't shine through on stage. By the time we went on stage she was way too tired and ready to go home. Even though Loryn didn't place we still think she holds the title for The Cutest Baby in Washington County.
